Monday 11 November 2013

Film Posters

 The film poster for 'Transporter 3'. The main character is the main focus of this, he takes up the whole image, the pose and his facial expression show he is strong and independent. Which shows he is not afraid of others and knows how to deal with the criminals effectively. The colours and the way the characters are dressed show this is a violent action movie. the character is wearing as suit which shows he is smart, but also clever. He Is holding two different weapons, this shows the violence in the film, as he is not only holding them but they are pointed towards somebody. The main characters name is mentioned at the top, only his name. this could show his importance and role to the film. the font is slanted and gives the 'cool' effect, the blue colour adds to this. The image layered on top of this shows a woman holding a gun and a car,  this shows that there are female criminals and car chases. the lightning in the colour blue could show the destruction of certain characters. The main title is also at a slight slant, although this is coloured white. This could show 'purity' of the woman, although she doesn't look although she has it on the poster.
Conventions mentioned are actors name, the title, and also the billing is below the title of the film. The font is smaller in size, but still slanted to give that 'cool' effect. The release date is shown in a darker toned blue.

 This is the film poster for the 'Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time', there are three main characters that take up the whole image. This is released by Walt Disney. The hero is positioned at the front of the image, the directors want us to focus on him more than any of the other characters. The Princess is bedside him and the Criminal beside him the other side. Their facial expressions can tell a lot about their characters for example, the main character has ambition shown in his eyes, the criminal has anger and the princess shows seductiveness. Their costumes show look very fairy-tale like, floaty fabrics and body armour. the colours are muted and very subtle. The main character is holding weapons such as swords, compared to 'Transporter 3' there are no guns. this could show that this genre is more of a fantasy adventure because of the old clothing and weapons. A convention of showing what other films were made by Disney are listed at the top of the poster. This could be advertising these films and make others want to watch them as well.
 In the background the colours are dull, which shows the destruction behind the characters. the title is in a big, bold font and coloured white. Disney's logo is shown in a smaller font on the top of this title. The word 'Persia' is bigger than the rest, so this could mean that they wanted to exaggerate this word. The billing block is shown at the bottom of the image in a small, white font, however the release date is in red which could be used to attract attention.

This is a film poster for 'Ghost Ship' which is different genre to the other two. The boat takes up the whole of the image, it is positioned in an upwards motion, this could show the danger of the boat itself. The colour theme of the poster, have many tones of blue and a black. This gives the sea and the sky a more 'eery' feel to the image. None of the characters are shown on this, this could suggest the characters are hidden and the director didn't want to ruin the film by showing the characters too early. The clouds are coming over the boat which gives the boat a mysterious feel. The boat has the image of a faint skull, this could show danger and voilence, which shows that the film genre is most probably a horror or a thriller. One side of the skull is darker than the other an could show hidden identity, a happier sideof the boat and an unhappy side of the boat. The phrase 'Sea Evil' is positioned at the top of the poster in a solid blue colour, the font is simple and easy to read This shows that the film is going to be scary and is likely to do with the sea and boats. The film title is in a white colour, which makes it stand out on top of the blue waves in the sea. The style of the font is different to the one at the top, the bottom halves of the letters fade into the waves of the sea, the font is also more wide.
At the bottom it shows the billing block, which shows all of the actors and directors names. This is in a smaller font, much similiar to the 'Prince Of Persia Sand Of Time' as that poster also has billing block in a small white font.
At the very bottom of the poster underneath the billing block, shows the word 'Halloween' in a simliar blue used throughout. This could show that the film was released near Hallloween time, as this is a horror.
 In conclusion, different conventions are used in different genres, they all have simliarities. I have analysed an Action, Adventure Fantasy and a Horror.

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