Friday 4 April 2014

Magazine Cover Final

This is our final magazine cover, We decided to go with this image because she seems to be looking for her younger siblings in the dark. This is where we did add in a moon above her head. We think this looked very effective.
From our audience feedback they did like the cover, this is what they stated, exactly:
"The images and text work well together and are contrasting against the dark background"
Although we liked this positive feedback, we asked on what we could improve, this was said:
"I think there needs to be more images added onto the front, maybe shots of the trailer or film itself to give an insight?"
Another point of negative feedback we got was that the image of the main character is too light, and needs to be darker. She looks too washed out and we will improve this next time.
We wanted to only put Emily on the front, since she is the main character and I think that her posture works well for her character.
We will definitely be taking into consideration the negative feedback and improve on this, however we did like the positive comments we had.
Compared to real magazine covers, I think we need to add more onto the front, but this is something we can improve on.

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