Wednesday 2 April 2014


These are screen shots from our creation in Garage band. We took inspiration again from 'Hours'. We felt that it would work well for our genre since its starts slow and builds up towards tension.
To start off we knew we needed to include some grand piano loops, this gives off a soft vibe whilst the voiceover is playing. We didn't want something to overpower her voice.
To pull this together, we placed a soft bass in the background of everything, this needed to be done since the piano alone wouldn't bee too professional for this. Once the tension builds up, we place some soft beats in the beginning and add onto this with some bigger ones, but not too much so that they distract from the piano. There are a few times where the music will become tense and slow down again, this keeps the audience intrigued.
Altogether we used four different types of loops to create this-
We cut some beats and moved a few notes by double clicking on the loop, to change the original loop into something we wanted, to make things flow a little better.
The use of the beats in the mid section did add some strong tension to this and this was the aim we were going for. We added a stronger bass to the very end to finish everything off. The FX sounds we used were to polish everything. We used the sound of a disappeared caller and the sound of thunder which also relates to our Summit Entertainment institution.
Feedback from audiences said that they liked the music and they way it rises then back down again to create the tension build we wanted to portray.

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