Thursday 5 December 2013

Film Poster- White Chicks

This is our version of a film poster, this isn't the best work and we could improve but it shows basic conventions.
We took an image of Beverly Hills from Google and blurred it using an effect in PowerPoint. This gave the background a bit of mystery. This also ties in with the identity badges of the FBI. Taking another image of the main characters, we put this in Photoshop and took away the white background so it fits nicely onto the background.
We needed to add the title and names of the actors, We chose to use white because of the title 'White Chicks'. Looking at examples of film posters online, some have a star rating, we added this in and pretended that it was by a newspaper, as a lot of newspapers do ratings on films.
Looking at other examples, they all have the billing block at the very bottom. We had trouble putting this in, but finally it worked. It doesn't look perfect, and its a bit blurred but it shows the basic convention.
I think that to improve this, the main image could have been a lot bigger, this may have made the poster and excess background come to use.

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