Thursday 5 December 2013

Our Plot Summary

This is our plot summary as of now, we decided to go with this idea.
We decided to call this 'The Taking' This is the most suitable as two young children are being taken and will not be found. 'Abandoned' and 'Left At Home' did not fit nicely into our plot.
We knew we wanted to film outside, so we said the two young children were playing outside in the streets, because we have a dead end road that we can film in with an alley at the bottom, this was ideal. we want our audience to feel drawn in and want more from the film trailer, this is going to be brief and to the point. We don't want it to give too much away, but we don't want it to stay hidden. We want something in between. The two older siblings are more mature, however the eldest is the most responsible. The second eldest, is known as a strong character, however this isn't shown verbally. The eldest is shown as a strong character verbally but physically she will not be able to defend herself. This is why we want her to go search for the children, as when the audience find that the second youngest is stronger in defending himself they will feel gutted that it wasn't him and think of a possible, happy ending to the film.
I think that the plot summary is more for a whole film, so we are going to shorten this so that less is given away and more mystery is shown. We said that the criminal will be shown in the trailer, we still aren't sure whether to show them or not. If we were too, it would be a glimpse. Very quick cuts. We want this to be a surprise, or maybe even a shock to our audience.
To conclude, we want this to be short and sweet. The problem last year, is we over-complicated our storyline too much, this didn't fit into the two minutes we had and made it quite confusing to understand. This year, we are going to create it so that it flows nicely and is easier for the audience to grasp what is going on.

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