Thursday 5 December 2013

Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas for Film Trailer:
Our inspiration was the film trailer for 'Prisoners' shown in another blog post.

We have a range of ideas that we had and put them all together to see what we came up with, we came up with ideas for the genre, title, characters and locations. We also had props ideas that we thought of using that would benefit and add to our general ideas.

We knew that we wanted to go with a thriller/ action genre, as we researched different trailers such as 'Wanted', 'Olympus Has Fallen' and 'Collateral Damage' these were all examples of action films. As the thought process went on and we gathered more ideas, we started to change our genre slightly. As of now we are doing Thriller/Horror. We are happy with this new genre as we have new ideas to incorporate.

We may base our trailer around the idea of 'Abduction' which is shown in the trailer 'Prisoners'. We wanted something to do with missing characters and a main criminal. Our first idea was having four younger children in a house, who's parents say they will be back at a certain time as they are going out for  a bit. Then the parents never return, after their due time home bad things start to happen to the children. We expanded our thoughts:

  • Whispering voices to add tension and eery-ness
  • Blackouts and quick cuts
  • Eyes looking out of the blinds into the darkness
  • Raindrops sliding down the window pane
We thought of these as additions to our original ideas. We thought that this would add more mystery and could create these using good editing skills.
After these ideas, we found some that would work better than the ones we already had. Taking the idea of abduction from 'Prisoners' we knew we wanted to expand ideas in this area. Previously before this, we had the parents going missing. Following the lines of Prisoners, we are now having the two youngest siblings, Male and Female to go missing. We have a basic plot summary (Separate Blog Post) we didn't want to copy this completely, so we have two older siblings involved and no parents.

We had initial ideas for locations, but they weren't big in this area. We had a house, garages, gardens, alleyways, streets and more. These are just a few as we need a lot of locations if we are using quick cuts. We don't want the audience to get bored of the same location in multiple shots. We thought gardens and garages would be idea for this genre, they are mysterious and anything could happen around these. Especially near garages, these are known to be a target in rough areas.
Another idea was a shed with tools inside. This gives a touch of creepiness and violence without using any action.
I found an example of what we would like to create, basing this only on the editing, sound and titles. This is tense and exciting to watch. Our aim is to get something like this.


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