Tuesday 28 January 2014

Scripting For 'The Taking'

It took around an hour- to two hours to finalise the scripting for our trailer, 'The Taking'.
We have decided to base our trailer on an American mainstream trailer, this gives it a more realistic feel.
during filming we did try out two different versions of the voiceover, a British accent and  a standard American accent. Listening to both of these, we found that the American worked best for our genre and type of characters. We also asked our main actor what accent they feel best doing, they also said American.
We also added the sound of a clock ticking in the background, this portrays the characters regrets as time has changed the way she now lived her life. We have decided to keep the clock ticking as we feel it gives a good effect to the rest of the voiceover.
Our script is now in the vocabulary of the United States. We feel this will work well. I also thought we needed some American names for our characters in our script, so when the actors are performing, they will feel their character. The more they get into their character, the better they will perform so that we can capture this well.
Our script consists of three pages,

‘The Taking’


Emily: Madison-Eldest

Conor: Cody-Second Eldest

Michael: Tyler-Younger brother

Holly: Zoey-Youngest sister


(Voiceover of Madison during the 8 quick




Madison: “I find it funny how time passes; I always thought that bad things came to those that had broken the rules in life- I was wrong...”

“January 25th, 2014 is when things changed. My family, I took for granted.. Something I regret. I suppose I learned my lesson the night my Mom went to work..”


Black Screen


Shot of the Mom walking into the living room


Mom: “Right, kids I’m off to work. Madison can you come here for a minute please?”Mom walks out to kitchen and Madison follows


Madison: “I’m supposed to be going out tonight?!”


Mom: “Stop sulking please, it’s only for a couple of hours. Help your Mom out a bit?” Madison grunts


Madison:“Well am I going to say to Aspyn?! We were supposed to be going out? I’m always the one to babysit.”


Mom: “Don’t start.” Mom walks off towards the door

“Be good, you two, stop fighting!”


2 kids come back out to kiss Mom goodbye


Mom: “I won’t be long.”Door closes


Black Screen


Pans of all watching a film


Slow pans of two children fidgeting and facial expressions show signs of boredom


Madison shows signs of frustration


Madison: "Can't you two just be quiet? I can't hear anything, if you're gonna be noisy go away!"


Tyler: “Were bored, can’t we just go outside?"


Zoey: “Pleaseeeee?”


Madison is on her phone, not concentrating on what’s going around her


Madison: “Yeah, if it shuts you both up!" Spoken in frustration


Shot of Children putting on hats and scarves


Cody:”Did Mom say that they were allowed out?”


Madison: “I dunno.. They'll be fine.” Cody has looks of concern on his face


Black Screen


Cody:“I think you should call them in?”  


Madison: “Yeah alright, I’ll go see, pause the film will you?”

Cody Pauses the film


Black Screen


Madison comes back in with fright in her eyes


Cody: “Where are they then, did you find them?”


Madison looks frightened and stares for a moment


Madison: “I can’t find them... I’ve been everywhere, around the block twice, down the road, up to the park… I can’t find them anywhere.”


Everything turns silent for a moment..


Cody: “What.”


Madison starts to panic and runs to grab her phone and puts on her coat


Cody: “Where are you going?!”


Madison: “I need to sort this myself. I shouldn't have let them out."


Cody: “Shall I call Mom?”


Madison: “No, I can sort this myself, Mom will go mad.”


Cody: “But-“

Madison: ”No Cody! I need to do this by myself.”


Madison slams the door shut


Black Screen


Phone starts to ring


Cody picks it up to answer


Cody: “Hello?”


Shot on Cody ^^


Muffled voice on other end


Madison: “I can’t find them (Through crying)


Cody starts to feel sick


Cody: "Why?! You need to, we are going to be in so much trouble, they could be dead for all we know?!"


Cody starts to cry


Madison: "Don't say that! I will find them, I promise." (Through tears)


Shot on Madison ^^


Cody: "I think we should call the police.."


Shot on Cody ^^


Madison: "No Cody! If we do that-"


Madison breaks off and she starts screaming and crying down the phone, During this there is no sound of Cody.


Madison: "Cody?! Cody are you there?!"


Shot on Madison ^^


Shot of a walking shadow passing by house


Phone breaks off and "The other person has cleared..." is said.


Title of The Taking


Climax has been reached and trailer will end in cliff-hanger.


This shows the different conventions of the script, we hope to see this work well. 

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