Monday 13 January 2014

Target Audience Questionnaire

The Questionnaire:

We created a questionnaire about our plot summary on our film trailer.
From the findings we gathered that the majority of the age group were 16-17. it is shown that this particular age group tend to watch more thriller/horror films than adults and the elderly.
This means we needed something exciting for this age group to watch.
Most of the audience chose extremely different horrors that were their favourites such as,

  • The Conjuring
  • Insidious
  • Exorist

These are all different to each other with their own storyline. From this evidence we will need to create a storyline that's unique and will keep the audience entertained. If its the same as any other storyline, this will get boring and our trailer will not hit the higher rates.
The most popular was non-fictional, which is based on true stories or events. This scares the audience a lot more than fiction, because of the thought that it has actually happened previously.
The feedback suggested that they would expect to see lots of 'paranormal' happenings, this also links in with scenes that are 'jumpy'. This was the most popular.
The most requested for music was 'classical' this gives off a sad and weird atmosphere to what is happening throughout. This told us that maybe we should be using classical types of music in our trailer.
Other options which stood out was Orchestral types of music. This can be loud and dramatic which will be great for the end climax.
Most people chose to have a solved ending to the trailer, which we were considering.
Another question was, 'Does appearance of the front cover determine your choice of film?'
There were half and half on this, some answered yes and some no. This will them help us to do the best we can to make the front of ours look good and worth watching. We want them to feel taken in by this.
Most said that they would expect to see the climax of the trailer towards the end when the tension has built up throughout. This is a good answer as we were planning to do this in our own trailer.
I think that if the climax is towards the end, it will shock the viewers in a good way that will make them 'hyped' to go see this ASAP. Which is good for rates and star ratings.
When we were considering having a voiceover in the beginning of the trailer, we asked people this. Most of them said yes to a voiceover, because it gives an insight on the story without giving away too much straight away. We are using a voiceover in our trailer to give this effect.
Another typical question is do they view the trailer beforehand, many answered yes as they would like to see what the film is going to be about and if they would sit through to watch it. Some have personal preferences on genres, so this is a good way to view before they watch the whole film.
We asked about the conventions people would generally like to see in this type of trailer, answers were:

We are considering including most of these, if not at least three or four. Knowing that these conventions will then get audiences on the edges of their seats reassures us that these can safely be included into our trailer. This also links into our plot line of 'Abduction' because of the screams and suspense in this.
We were given many plot ideas, that were great. Due to the set idea we had on abduction, 'haunted house' and 'Isolated Farm' were brilliant ideas, but after many thoughts they were hard to access from where we live. If we did find these areas, we would have to make time for travelling. Also if we needed to re-film any areas, time would be tight.
We have concluded this, and noted things we will take into our ideas such as the conventions and different times of climax. These are important for our trailer as we take in what the audience would like to see as viewers themselves. Our aim is for them to want to see more.

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