Wednesday 5 February 2014


We have taken into consideration all of the locations we are going to try and include, we want our trailer to be clean, crisp and to the point.
We have got different images, in which we are going to try and include at least three, if not more of these in our shots.
We are definitely thinking of having a dim streetlight in this, to show the 'weird atmosphere' within the trailer, and also different surroundings such as parks and lit shops. This would work better in comparison to a daytime shot, because people tend to feel safer in the day. By using a night-time lighting, a red light is created which gives the viewer connotations of danger, blood or threatening environment. Overall, this is more effective for me because by shooting at night-time because this fits in with our whole genre.
I think that the more locations we add the better, since trailers usually have lots of locations to keep the audience engaged in the trailer. during our filming sessions we are going to be collecting lots of film footage of different locations so that we have lots to work with even if we don't use all of it..
We selected a few that would seem more effective, such as the woods. The effect of the long and tall trees give effects of shadows which create a mysterious atmosphere. It also an be an area to become trapped.

We thought that using an empty car park is a good idea, showing emptiness. This could also show how the two eldest characters feel when they realise they cannot find their younger brother and sister.
This would be better than a car-park that is full, as this would take away the lonely feeling from the specific scene and the audience would feel more comfortable with this.
We are going to be filming in different lighting, although not dark. This will cause problems for the viewers as they will not be able to see the scenes all that clearly, lighting would be affected since the dull nightlife would not show brilliantly on screen as well as in daytime which is brighter and would allow more light into the lens.
Weather is also going to be another factor to consider, this will affect the audio and the way scenes will appear on screen. Lately weather hasn't been very good, with heavy rain and gales this would cause serious audio problems with the wind and the rain would make our shots blurry and not as clear as they could be.
To overcome this, we will be choosing our locations carefully in the correct weather and lighting conditions.

Filming Schedule

We had to choose our filming days carefully, although this was a lot easier than last year. Working in a pair has limited the amount of reliability on others, which is easier for us to work together and get things done. We also are lucky to have our actors within easy reach, since we are using my younger bothers and sisters for this, as well as locations around the area we live in.
We are going to be filming many different shots, so we have lots to work with and edit into our final trailer. We will be getting these shots
  • Location shots in light and early evening
  • Shots of each individual character doing their own thing
  • Different shots on further action

As we both have our own occupations and responsibilities, finding time to film was hard considering these things were difficult to get out of. Also because we needed to film outside in some shots, this wasn't easy depending on the weather forecast. To overcome this, we both chose to do a Saturday during the day. For our first filming session we only did a few hours considering we had other commitments revolving around family. We filmed from 12pm-2pm, although it was only for a few hours, we got the first few scenes of our film finished.
We are setting our filming schedule as this for most Saturdays:


Any weekday after Sixth Form hours:
We are following this schedule from now on, although we may have to adjust times on some occasions depending on personal commitments.
We feel this works a lot better than last year, since we have each other to rely on without the hassle of waiting on others.

Film Poster and Cover ideas

I have picked two different film covers and posters, I chose these because I thought that they both look as if they would work well in our genre.

The first poster 'The Box' includes the main character along with two others. I think this poster is good for layout and colour. we think this type of composition would be idea for our poster since we are thinking of having Madison and Cody on the front. We have expanded our ideas and we are now thinking of having them both on the front since the trailer will carry onto being a thriller/adventure film. They are both in search of their younger siblings whilst trying to battle evil. We think that this will work well because we want to show the team work two distant siblings can create. If we do take on this idea, we are going to use this type of composition and layout using Photoshop.

The second poster, 'Gone' has an unusual composition and layout. however, I find this intriguing because its different from all of the others. I don't believe we would use the shape of this though. I think we will stick to a basic cover size since we don't want to give too much away.
The woman on the front, looks perfect for our type of film and character, because she is in the centre shows she is the main character. I think if we used something like this for our main character 'Madison' I think it would work well considering her image and story. This will draw attention from our viewers and by using Photoshop to add effects and edit our image, we could create something based on this. I think this is strangely similar as the titles work well, 'The Taking' and 'Gone' are both forms of disappearance.

After considering both of these, I feel we will take on both ideas, they both include elements we are looking for to create a well polished poster and cover.

Costumes Ideas



Main Character- Madison

This is the profile of our main character, Madison. 
This shows how we have gathered our information and taken this into consideration. Firstly we were going to use the actors original names, but because we changed the accent, these names did not work well for what we wanted to achieve. Knowing that we wanted our trailer to be in a typical American style, we searched up the first ten 'typical' American names and took the first five that came up, we didn't spend a long time on this. We thought this name worked well since it also fit in nicely with the type of genre we are doing.
We chose the name 'Madison' in the end, we also think this was the closest to suiting her image.
Considering the background, we didn't add too much, but wanted an insight so that Emily (Actress playing main character) could get into her character and play her part well, making the trailer as believable as possible.
We chose to have her a suitable age, to babysit children but also isn't mature enough to take things around her seriously. We chose the age 16. This shows both sides of her personality.
She is an American, as we stated previously. Things worked better using the American accent, so we chose to do this. 
We noted her hometown and who she grew up with just to show a bit of background history.
We added in things like, her favourite colour,  what she loves to eat, her likes, and her dislikes. 
The main dislike we added at the end shows her parents are divorced, hence the reason for her actions.
We prefer to use her for an image like this, it gives a twist on the typical 'Scary thriller and vulnerable victim' since most of these genres have a victim that is considered 'useless' or 'fearful' and this could be predictable.
If we were to replace or improve anything, this would most probably be the hometown depending on what sort of accent she has, we will change this.
To conclude, we are happy with our main character and her profile.