Wednesday 5 February 2014


We have taken into consideration all of the locations we are going to try and include, we want our trailer to be clean, crisp and to the point.
We have got different images, in which we are going to try and include at least three, if not more of these in our shots.
We are definitely thinking of having a dim streetlight in this, to show the 'weird atmosphere' within the trailer, and also different surroundings such as parks and lit shops. This would work better in comparison to a daytime shot, because people tend to feel safer in the day. By using a night-time lighting, a red light is created which gives the viewer connotations of danger, blood or threatening environment. Overall, this is more effective for me because by shooting at night-time because this fits in with our whole genre.
I think that the more locations we add the better, since trailers usually have lots of locations to keep the audience engaged in the trailer. during our filming sessions we are going to be collecting lots of film footage of different locations so that we have lots to work with even if we don't use all of it..
We selected a few that would seem more effective, such as the woods. The effect of the long and tall trees give effects of shadows which create a mysterious atmosphere. It also an be an area to become trapped.

We thought that using an empty car park is a good idea, showing emptiness. This could also show how the two eldest characters feel when they realise they cannot find their younger brother and sister.
This would be better than a car-park that is full, as this would take away the lonely feeling from the specific scene and the audience would feel more comfortable with this.
We are going to be filming in different lighting, although not dark. This will cause problems for the viewers as they will not be able to see the scenes all that clearly, lighting would be affected since the dull nightlife would not show brilliantly on screen as well as in daytime which is brighter and would allow more light into the lens.
Weather is also going to be another factor to consider, this will affect the audio and the way scenes will appear on screen. Lately weather hasn't been very good, with heavy rain and gales this would cause serious audio problems with the wind and the rain would make our shots blurry and not as clear as they could be.
To overcome this, we will be choosing our locations carefully in the correct weather and lighting conditions.

1 comment:

  1. I like your interpretation of the meaning behind some of the locations here Lauren. You have planned your trailer and already completed some filming in your house, so can you list the locations you will be using underneath this post. You sound a little vague in hoping to use only 3 locations.
