Wednesday 5 February 2014

Filming Schedule

We had to choose our filming days carefully, although this was a lot easier than last year. Working in a pair has limited the amount of reliability on others, which is easier for us to work together and get things done. We also are lucky to have our actors within easy reach, since we are using my younger bothers and sisters for this, as well as locations around the area we live in.
We are going to be filming many different shots, so we have lots to work with and edit into our final trailer. We will be getting these shots
  • Location shots in light and early evening
  • Shots of each individual character doing their own thing
  • Different shots on further action

As we both have our own occupations and responsibilities, finding time to film was hard considering these things were difficult to get out of. Also because we needed to film outside in some shots, this wasn't easy depending on the weather forecast. To overcome this, we both chose to do a Saturday during the day. For our first filming session we only did a few hours considering we had other commitments revolving around family. We filmed from 12pm-2pm, although it was only for a few hours, we got the first few scenes of our film finished.
We are setting our filming schedule as this for most Saturdays:


Any weekday after Sixth Form hours:
We are following this schedule from now on, although we may have to adjust times on some occasions depending on personal commitments.
We feel this works a lot better than last year, since we have each other to rely on without the hassle of waiting on others.

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