Saturday 22 March 2014

Film Poster Idea

This Is our final film poster, We did edit this on Photoshop. This wasn't hard but it wasn't easy, since when we put the image of Conor into the image as another layer, he somehow became pixelated which we couldn't fix, so we tried our best to get this looking as natural as possible.
We first chose a background to work with on Google and found this darker one with clouds, we felt this would work perfectly because it goes with our genre well.
We then put in the picture of the toy box and bear, taking out the background using the magic wand tool then increasing the contrast.
We took the background out of Emily's image and also increased the contrast. We thought that her eyes needed brightening so we selected these and increased the brightness. This did look better than before. To fix any errors and making things look smooth, we used the blur tool to go around the hair and outlines. We also used this on their faces to give them flawless skin, but not too flawless it was completely noticeable. Taking the background out of Conor was the hardest part, since he has glasses which is hard to go around the edges. His top was black with 'Call Of Duty' written on the front, so we had to take this out using the clone stamp tool. We then increased the brightness of the top so it stands out from the dark background.
We felt that out images worked together and balanced out perfectly fine. We placed the title at the bottom above our tagline. We used white font, this contrasts the black. After discussing the age ratings, we placed this in the top left hand corner to balance everything. The main actors name is also in the top right hand. We made the headshots bigger and smaller depending on their status.
After this, we found we didn't have enough time to create and put in our own billing block, so we searched this on Google and found a template version. We felt this was better than nothing so we placed this in.
Overall we feel our poster does look professional, although some areas such as the pixelating couldn't be helped even though we used a high quality camera for this.

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