Monday 10 March 2014

How our filming has gone..

How has our filming gone?
During the past three weeks, we have filmed the first section of our film trailer. We found this went very well, considering we got lots done in a matter of a few hours. We then scheduled our next filming session, which went very well. We got our mid section completed. We focused on the location shots and some action shots this time.
However, this didn't end well for us as the Mac computer couldn't read the SD card to get our clips off of the camera and onto iMovie to edit. We have tried three times to do this. We are now in need of re-filming everything again. To solve this we are going to book out a camera and do a whole day of filming to get back onto track and stay after school to edit this.
Although problems do occur, we will always find a way to overcome these.
During our filming sessions, we had to make sure we had good weather conditions so that this didn't mess up the shots, we also made sure the actors were completely ready before filming time to save time wasting. We had to consider the different locations and see if we were able to film them, for example the shops. People walk around freely outside of the shops, so we had to get things like this from a distance or wait until the right time where it was empty.
to conclude, filming has gone well except for the difficulty we have had with the clips.

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