Wednesday 19 March 2014

Age Ratings

During the making and editing of our film trailer, an important thing to consider were the age ratings. We didn't want our audience to feel they cannot as it would be too high, but not too little as it would  seem weird for them to watch it.
we gathered the different age ratings which are-

Uc- This is suitable for pre-school audiences
U- This stands for Universal and is suitable for children four years and over
PG- This stands for Parental Guidance and is suitable for general viewing
12A- This requires an adult to accompany a child under 12 that is going to see a rated 12A film
12- This is typically not to be sold for children under the age of 12
15- Anyone under the age of 15 will not be able to buy or watch a film rated 15. Things shown in a 15 rated film can include, strong violence, drug taking, sexual nudity and other strong violence and sexual behaviour.
18- Rated 18 films are for adults and anyone below 18 is not allowed to watch an 18 rated film. This shows, strong horror, very strong violence, strong portrayals of sexual activity and other very strong violence and sexual behaviour
R18- This is not to be sold or shown to anybody under the age of 18, since this has very strong sex references and violent behaviour

After finding this information, we discussed what we wanted to happen throughout the rest of our film so we could get an idea of the age rating. Our genre is a hard to define mix of Thriller/Horror/Action. We are going to have strong violence and slight horror throughout. Relating this to the age ratings, we chose to go with 15, which is perfect for our audience. We feel this rating will work well, since it is in-between.

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