Saturday 15 March 2014

Day 3 of Filming..

DAY 3-
 This is our third filming session ,we have filmed over half of our trailer now. We are now aiming to finish filming by Tuesday.
We started filming around 10.30 this morning, after getting our actors ready, we ran through a section of the script we were aiming to get done for today.
We decided we wanted our actors to have completely different outfits when they are acting. We wanted this to be a different day. We thought this would look more effective to show the past and present, to show an outline of the life this family live.
After making up the actors, we too the main two characters and took their images for our magazine cover and film poster for our promotional package.

Taking images for our Magazine Cover and Film Poster
 This wasn't easy getting the correct lighting but we overcame this by placing them in front of a light background with the natural light behind us. This did work out well as we focused on the film poster images first. Since we took an image of the bear and toy-box previously we needed to capture some headshots of the characters.
We placed Emily so that she was angled towards the camera, but looking to the side as if she is search. We had her looking towards the right. We felt this was a suitable position for Emily since we were taking the inspiration from the film poster, 'The Box' and following our ideas on our second film poster idea.
We then took separate headshots of Conor since we are going to edit these using Photoshop to help our poster look as professional as possible.
We had Conor looking to the left side whilst holding a gun- which is a false Mini Uzi. We are going to Photoshop this to make it look realistic. He is holding this to symbolize protection against himself and his older sister whilst on hunt for their younger siblings. We feel this will balance out the poster images perfectly.
I used a Nikon D3200 to take these images, making sure we get the best quality for our poster.

Magazine Cover
We used Emily alone for this. We have the idea of a full moon, she is below looking up and clutching the bear with a single tear rolling down the right side of her face.
We did not get any inspiration for this idea, we simply came up with this alone. We feel this shows her guilt and regret for leaving her younger siblings to go outside alone.
We wanted to show her clutching the bear since it is the only belonging that is shown in the trailer, since this has lots of meaning to the younger siblings and this is the only object left behind from their disappearance.
We did find this hard to capture a tear on her face, we tried different alternatives such as applying light directly to her face, and thickening the water with flour to see if this made a difference. This didn't show any change, so we are going to Photoshop a visible tear onto her face. We also applied a black eyeliner to the outer V of the top lash line and bottom lash line, we did blend this out with a pencil brush to create the effect where it has smudged by her tears.
We are happy with our images and will edit these during the week.

After this, we started on filming. We continuously filmed with a small break every three hours. All actors did well in keeping in their character, they found this fun but also hard work to keep up. As a director it wasn't easy to get emotion into the younger actors but they finally grasped onto this. Emily- the eldest, didn't need to be told where to go or how to say certain lines, since she seems a natural when it came to this.
Our next set of filming will include both Emily and Conor acting, this will take approximately an evening from 5pm-7pm the latest as we need a change in day.
Overall we are happy with the filming we have got done, we took a few shots of certain scenes we felt would need to be done more than once as backup.

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