Monday 10 March 2014

Editing- Final Cut

This is the start of our editing in Final Cut. It took a while to get used to at first, but once we had figured out the basics, this was easy to use. 
After we had imported our clips, we chose the ones that we thought were the best. We had cut these down to our minimal second to watch through then cut again.
We found this easy to do in Final Cut, by selecting the blade tool and cutting what was needed, we found it a good thing to film our scenes longer than we would, just so we could cut them down to what we needed. I found the blade tool very easy to use, then to remove certain parts that we didn't need, I took the select tool and removed this by pressing the 'Del' key.
We completed the first section of editing in around ten minutes. We found this was good for the amount we needed to edit.
As of now, we had gotten our institution clip, and placed that at the very beginning of the clips. Summit is the institution we chose to use, and at the very end of this clip It leads into the music for the 'twilight' film, so we cut this out using the blade tool.
We have added in our fading transitions, so that it gives a realistic view of what we want our trailer to look like in the long run.
We are very happy with our filming and editing.

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