Saturday 22 March 2014

Character Interview: Part of Promotional Package

Emily as Madison:

Interviewer: "Tell me a bit about yourself, about your life?"
Emily: "I was born in the UK, along with my elder sister, brothers and younger sister. I grew up with Eczema, and still am! a bit about me you didn't know."

Interviewer: "Do you have any future plans?"
Emily: "I'm an aspiring singer/songwriter. I have been singing since I was around eleven years old and would like to pursue this as a career."

Interviewer: "What is your favourite subject you are currently studying?"
Emily: "I'm a big fan of English, especially argumentative writing. I like to have debates about things I disagree about and argue them back."

Interviewer: "How did you get into the character of Madison, and was this easy?"
Emily: "It wasn't easy, you have think of yourself in that problem to act it out. You have to become the character sometimes using real material and thinking of past events. This can be hard sometimes, but if you wanna perform your best, go for it."

Interviewer: "How would you describe Madison's character?"
Emily: "She is always getting distracted by the social media and has a fierce personality. She isn't a 'sweet' character. When she actually realises her younger siblings are missing that's when she changes her attitude which I think gives the audience a great twist to see."

Interviewer: "Whilst on set, how was working with other actors?"
Emily: " It was an exciting and new experience. Although I do live with them in real life, I did find it hard to get to grips with the different scenery and backgrounds of the characters, but they did do as they were told which made it easier for me as an actress."

Interviewer: "How was it working with the directors?"
Emily: "It wasn't hard to get along with them, they are both easy going doing their things and do a great job!"

Interviewer: "How does it feel to be playing the main role in the best film of the year 'The Taking'?"
Emily: "The Chance of lifetime, its been amazing to work with the cast and crew whilst learning new things each day."

Interviewer: "Would you consider playing another role for these directors again in the future?"
Emily: "Definitely, I had lots of fun filming this and would do it again!"

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