Wednesday 12 March 2014

Film Poster Ideas And Designs


These are the two film poster ideas we have come up with, although they are drawn out roughly to get a basic idea of what we want. We took the two fonts we liked most and printed these out along with a billing block.
Following the inspiration from the film posters, 'The Box' and 'Gone', we chose to create something similar. We already knew we wanted the bear to be the main image in the centre to balance everything out, along with the main character, so we included these in the first poster. We tried positioning the title at a slant, to see what effect it would give to the rest of the poster. We found it hard to keep the proportions of everything but we resolved this in the end. We knew this was going to be an American based trailer, and guns associate with this. We placed a gun on top of a cloth in the bottom left hand corner to keep the image balanced out.
I think the first turned out well, however I don't like the composition and the images used. I Feel this wouldn't be enough to capture the audiences eye and could be improved.

We used the second title for our next poster idea. I prefer this title as it looks better with our genre and the rest of our images, It looks as if it has been scribbled or drawn, and this can relate to Zoey the youngest character. We changed the composition and our main inspiration for this one was 'The Box'. We feel this worked better with our characters. We wanted to include the main character, but since Cody is also an important character we placed him to the side and a little below Madison to show her status is bigger than his.
We have shown her status by making a bigger headshot, and Cody has also got one but smaller in size showing these two are the important characters on search for their younger brother and sister. I feel this would catch the audiences eye straight away. I asked a few class peers what they liked about this poster and most said they liked the font and image choice. We had trouble trying to get the sizes of the characters right as we didn't want the bear to out do them. We did overcome this by positioning out with a pencil before hand. We chose Cody to be holding a small pistol gun, since they are in America and lots of teen boys have these. I think this also makes the genre hard to define, although we are going for a thriller/horror we have included signs of action and adventure. This is what we would want our actual film to be like.
We are happy with this poster and will go to develop this one, we are using this one as we like the composition and images used better than the last.

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